Friday, March 6, 2020

After entering the propane industry less than two years ago, Shaw, the first female field marketing officer in LPG in her division of the Indian Oil Corp. Ltd. (IOCL), is quickly helping to change cultural perceptions of women and the propane industry.
Her work encouraging women in rural areas to use propane as an alternative fuel and “being a friend, philosopher, and guide to LPG distributors and helping them to creatively attain their full potential” is earning her accolades not only at Indian Oil, but internationally.
The Women in LPG Global Network (WINLPG) recently honored her with the first Young Woman of the Year Award. The award was launched to recognize women under the age of 30 who have made a contribution to the LPG industry or who demonstrate significant motivation. Priyanka Shaw clearly fits both categories.
“Being an employee of a Fortune 500 company where more than 350 women are in LPG business today, I feel privileged to be able to become an example for other women in the industry and pave the future road for them,” Shaw said.
Her job responsibilities include the commissioning of new LPG distributors, market forecasting, maintaining regular supplies in liaison with bottling plants, monitoring sales, inspecting distributor operations, and educating distributors.
The main focus of Shaw’s work is presenting clinics for consumers—primarily women—about the health, safety and life-changing benefits of propane. She travels to remote areas where she holds around 100 clinics a month to crowds of 100 to 250. In addition, she goes door-to-door so she can be in direct contact with the women. “I focus on getting feedback from them. Once women are educated, it keeps me motivated,” she added.
Throughout her life, Shaw’s parents have been her inspiration and support system. “My parents are schoolteachers, and since childhood, they have taught me the core foundational behaviors—respect, kindness, and caring,” she said.
“I studied for my degree in Bachelor of Pharmacy at Jadavpur University during which I became the Cultural Management Secretary. [This is] where I must have developed my passion for leadership.” From there, she then went on to obtain her MBA from Indian Institute of Management.
She describes a marketing field officer’s job as 24/7, requiring many long hours. Shaw admits at times it is hard to find a balance between her career and home life. “But, when your passion is in complete alignment with your profession, even toughest days at work become full of excitement, and then balancing my career life with home life becomes enthusiastic.”
In addition, Shaw is the District Nodal Officer of the two districts of Assam, North East; a member of Indian Pharmacy Graduates’ Association; and a member of the organizing committee of the National Seminar on Research and Development and Pharmaceuticals.
As an emerging leader, her goals are defined by her passion for clean energy and women in leadership. “I will strive to promote diversity in the LPG industry, and in a period of 15 years from now, I will aim to lead to a 50% increase of women employed in the industry.
“The famous quote by Archimedes can best describe my short- and long-term goal, ‘Give me a place to stand and a lever long enough, and I will move the world’—where ‘place’ refers to the LPG industry and ‘lever’ refers to women’s empowerment. I want to convert this world to a greener environment for a baby to breathe and a pollution-free place for a baby yet to be born.
“In my career path, I will learn about my industry as much as possible and will try to absorb as much knowledge as I can. I will strive to become the chairman of IOCL and the future ambassador of WINLPG.” — Karen Massman VanAsdale