BPN 2023 Industry Innovators Finalist

Headshot of Gene Morrison, dispensing systems product manager at Gas Equipment Company“A rising tide lifts all ships,” is a phrase Gene Morrison, dispensing systems product manager with Gas Equipment Company, lives by.

“Several companies in the industry working to create better products and expanding use of propane to fuel vehicles ultimately adds more gallons being sold,” Morrison said. “I’ve traveled a lot with PERC and other companies to different trade shows and events. Everyone in the industry talking about propane and fighting for its place in fueling vehicles builds our market share.”

For Morrison, it is important to work with customers from inception to conception. “I love taking ‘napkins discussions,’ where specs may start to be discussed during a meal, to a final unique product that the customer played a role in designing,” Morrison said. “I like to work with customers to design a product that meets their needs with something beyond a ‘cookie cutter’ option. We like to go beyond the standard by using Parafour dispensers … and electronic integration to set our products apart.”

Morrison worked with Robert Kenney of Metsa Tanks to form a partnership that goes beyond traditional deals, involving above-ground tanks from the consignment yard, which usually do not include partnerships, customization or price breaks. “We committed to one truckload a year but ended up needing five truckloads,” he said.

Morrison’s design for autogas dispensers included moving vapor ports to the head of the tank. “This allows less piping and connections for the return lines to the tank,” Morrison said. “To be safety-centric, we added an additional fill valve also at the front of the tank. This allows drivers to fill at shoulder height and doesn’t require a step ladder to refill the storage tank.”

Morrison also said a liquid withdrawal port was moved to the front of the tank, allowing more compact-liquid piping to the pump. “These changes are more aesthetically pleasing and also improve functionality,” he said.

“Gene is ambitious and quality-minded,” said Kenney. “He is strict when it comes to quality and service and demands a lot from his suppliers and partners. He is young, hungry and will continue to fight for propane’s place in automobile fueling, and his products will back up that fight. The future is bright for him and our industry with him in it.”

To see all of this year's finalists, click here.



The 2023 Industry Innovators