Solid sales management is indicative of many successful companies. For new sales managers, there is much to understand to become effective and successful. There are several key elements to managing sales. The sales manager can create or continue a culture of excitement and success.
Managing a sales force is one of the primary roles for sales managers. Often, companies may promote a successful salesperson into that role, but this does not always work. Not all great salespeople make good sales managers. The role requires additional skills and knowledge they may not currently have. This will work if the person gets the additional training and coaching required. It is also helpful to have a manager who is trusted by their staff.
For a new sales manager to be successful, companies need to select the right individual and set proper goals. The new manager must also be empowered by management to make decisions and be held accountable. They need to be informed about financial decisions and growth expectations, with clear, regular communication about the expectations of the company. They also need to be supported by senior management while starting the new position.
Understand Your Role
Every organization has expectations for each role. The new manager must fully understand what is expected daily, weekly and monthly. It is important to follow those expectations. Prior to starting the role, the sales manager should meet with management and discuss these expectations. It is also good for the manager to provide input. This position is a leadership position. That means the manager should challenge the status quo if it is not working. However, they must offer alternative solutions.
The manager should become familiar with the company’s internal and external processes. Leaders should work to understand and know the current market conditions. Getting to know the customers, competitors, market size and market share are all key to growth. Knowledge is power. Managers can become leaders by demonstrating knowledge and compassion.
Set Your Expectations
Once the manager knows exactly what is needed, they need to set the expectations of their staff. Clear communication as a group and individually will help everyone become more successful. Accountability must be addressed promptly with the entire team. The team must understand they are expected to meet their expectations as presented by the manager.
When the policies are set, they must be followed. If they are not, this will cause confusion and a lack of positive results. The manager should address these instances as they happen. Often, there are individuals who will not comply for various reasons. If they are allowed to do their own thing, it will breed contention and concern among the team. The manager must take the time to understand how the team thinks.
Establish Processes & Procedures
Establishing specific processes and procedures helps to hold people accountable and foster an efficient team. The key here is consistency. This will allow the manager to identify trends, monitor progress, manage people and provide reports to management.
Weekly sales reports from salespeople are the first step. There are many models of reports. It is wise to start small. The salespeople should provide specific information on their activities for the week. Critical information includes customer interactions, forecasts, prospects, market observations and additional relevant insights.
If there is a CRM (customer relationship management) in place, everyone should be active and disciplined to use the program. Most CRMs have reporting capabilities. This will help the manager with time management with automated reports. If there is no CRM, it is still important to record and track all activities. Management will require these reports to make financial and other decisions.
Also, the new manager should be clear on how the salespeople work. If the salespeople travel, they need to understand the rules and guidelines for expenses and customer visits. They need to understand their actions and results are a reflection on the new manager.
The next step is to build the sales plan. According to HubSpot, these are the key elements of a good sales plan:
- Gathering data and identifying trends
- Defining your objectives
- Determining metrics for success
- Assessing the current situation
- Starting sales forecasting
- Identifying gaps
- Ideating new initiatives Involving stakeholders
- Outlining action items
A solid sales plan is the manual to achieving sales objectives for the year. There are many templates available for new managers to download and build. This step is particularly important. It does not have to be a dazzling document. It can be as simple or as comprehensive as needed. The key is that the plan is communicated, agreed upon and effectively executed.
Get to Know Your Team
Trust is the key to becoming a successful manager. Building trust takes time. The new manager must be patient and conscious of their demeanor when interacting with the team.
If the manager has been on the sales team and was recently promoted to manager, there are many things to be aware of. First, the manager and team may be friends. Once the manager takes the new role, there should be acknowledgement from both sides that the relationship has changed. Sharing that with the team will help establish the manager as the leader.
If the manager is new to the team, there are other considerations. The manager should not come in as the “new sheriff in town.” This will lead to trust issues in their ability to manage people. Getting to know the team as a group and as individuals will help build that trust. The manager should be focused on the business while showing compassion for the team. This will continue to develop over time. Be patient and diplomatic.
Review & Communicate Regularly
Communication with the team is the best way to build trust. Sharing information about sales, customers, goals, etc., makes the team feel included and valued. Keeping management informed on critical information and trends will build confidence in the manager.
The sales manager should meet with the team on a frequent basis that suits the company. Also, the manager should have an informal monthly meeting with individual team members. This will allow for candid, two-way conversation. It will also provide the manager with information and allow for the salesperson to express their concerns and feel valued.
Reports between manager and senior management should be on a regular schedule. This keeps management advised and reduces any surprises.
Lead to Succeed
A new sales manager has a unique opportunity to positively affect the company. Leadership is critical for success. Learning constantly and being disciplined in the role will help them be successful. Providing guidance and encouragement to the team also adds to employee satisfaction.