Kinder Morgan (Houston), owner and operator of the Cochin pipeline system, is advising third-party shippers that contrary to some erroneous reports, the line is fully operational and capable of operating at 50,000 bbld. In addition, gallons received into the pipeline from third-party storage facilities in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Regina, Saskatchewan can be delivered immediately to U.S. terminals.
Canyon Midstream Partners LLC (Houston) has commenced development of a natural gas gathering, processing, and treating system in the Permian Basin—the James Lake System—that is anchored by a 10-year gathering agreement with an unnamed major oil and gas company.
Blue Racer Midstream LLC (Dallas) has entered into long-term agreements with several Utica Shale natural gas producers to provide integrated midstream services for production in liquids-rich acreage in Monroe, Noble, Guernsey, Belmont, Harrison, and Carroll coun­ties in Ohio. Producers that have made recent dedications to Blue Racer include Eclipse Resources, Hess Corp., CONSOL Energy Inc., and PDC Energy Inc.
…Congress did not extend past 2013 two expir­ing tax provisions that impact the propane industry— the 50-cents per gallon alternative fuel credit and the alterna­tive fuel refueling property credit. The National Propane Gas Association reports that as of Jan. 1, 2014, the credits are no longer available for propane, natural gas, and other alternative vehicle fuels…

The National Propane Gas Association (NPGA) this month was stepping up efforts to identify and imple­ment measures and policies to expedite propane ship­ments as much of the nation continues to struggle under a scenario of crimped supplies, transportation constraints, and spiraling prices.


Athough residential business has declined for the propane industry over the past several years, the residential market still represents more than 47% of all propane gallons sold, according to the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC). While the residential market will continue to represent the largest profit center for propane marketers, the industry must work to increase that business.
With the outlook for revenues from the North Sea having been slashed, firms drilling for shale gas in the UK will get a massive tax break in an effort to boost exploration. In March 2013, the UK government forecast that £6.8 billion ($11.15 billion U.S.) would roll into Treasury coffers from North Sea levies, but that amount has since been cut back to £5 billion ($8.2 billion U.S.), and expectations downgraded for every year until 2018.
Exports of propane from the U.S. dipped 2.7% in November compared to a month earlier, but still came in at a strong 12,307,471 bbl, off 335,090 bbl from October levels, according to the U.S. Department of Com­merce (DOC). At the same time, compared to November 2012, propane exports soared 76.1%, or by 5,316,773 bbl.
Both U.S. and Canadian spot markets for propane rocketed to unprecedented levels Thursday as cold temperatures and demand for fuel ran at an all-time high. Transportation constraints continued to plague the industry as marketers operated hand to mouth with limited supplies. Schools were reported closed in at least one state due to a lack of heat and some residential customers were using electric space heaters to stay warm.
The world will require all forms of energy over the next quarter century to meet a greater than one-third increase in demand that will be driven by population growth, improved living standards, and expanded urban­ization, according to ExxonMobil’s “Outlook for Energy: A View to 2040” report.
By using the earth’s magnetic field, combined with new innovative technology, oil and gas drilling com­panies are increasing oilfield productivity while reducing development costs and environmental impacts, reports the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), a partner in implement­ing the technology.
A number of wholesalers had pulled their posted rack prices Thursday as price volatility and unprecedented demand continued to roil the propane markets. Principal postings, where available, have stretched higher by an astounding 15.5 to as much as 300 cents since Monday. Increases from 55 to more than 150 cents were common.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce president and CEO Thomas J. Donohue declared in his recent annual “State of American Business” address that the American busi­ness climate is improving, but that despite some economic progress, he warned against policies and government actions that drive uncertainty. Donohue called for leader­ship to solidify the nation’s recovery, help generate stronger growth and job creation, and expand opportunity.
American Petroleum Institute (API) president and CEO Jack Gerard has outlined the institute’s advocacy and messaging priorities, issued a new report, and launched a new advertising campaign. The initia­tives were highlighted during Gerard’s “2014 State of American Energy” speech, which focused on the impact of future policy decisions on America’s energy revolution.
Array of Autogas Vehicles Headed for Work Truck Show
Midwest Spikes

The big news was in the Midwest Thursday as postings spiked more than 20 cents in most cases following a 3.8-MMbbl inventory draw for the nation the week ended Jan. 10, 1.5 MMbbl of that at Conway, Kan. That left the Midwest hub with a total of only 11.5 MMbbl, with plenty of winter weather left to go.
FMCSA Publishes Guidance On 30-Minute Rest Break

The safety, regulations, and compliance consultancy J.J. Keller & Associates reports that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has published regulatory guidance regarding the application of the hours of service 30-minute break rule for interstate drivers of commercial motor vehicles. FMCSA’s guidance addresses those who begin their duty days as short-haul drivers exempt from the break rule, but who occasionally exceed the short-haul distance or time limits.
FMCSA Publishes Guidance On 30-Minute Rest Break

The safety, regulations, and compliance consultancy J.J. Keller & Associates reports that the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has published regulatory guidance regarding the application of the hours of service 30-minute break rule for interstate drivers of commercial motor vehicles. FMCSA’s guidance addresses those who begin their duty days as short-haul drivers exempt from the break rule, but who occasionally exceed the short-haul distance or time limits.
MoveOn Launches National Effort to Ban Hydraulic Fracturing has launched an initiative to support 100 activist groups that are working to ban hydraulic fracturing in their communities. MoveOn has awarded $50,000 to the so-called “fracking fighters,” along with materials, training, and strategic support, the activist group said in a press release. The initiative seeks to slow down the hydraulic fracturing boom that is anticipated to occur across the U.S. in 2014 and beyond.
Mid-Month to Mid-Month: Where’s the Market Headed?

With nary a minute to catch their collective breaths, propane dealers transitioned from strong crop drying demand to an Arctic Vortex that brought prolonged record-breaking temperatures to much of the nation. Without the time to replenish to their depleted supplies, many found themselves waiting in long lines for product, if it was to be had at all, and paying a higher-than-anticipated price. To say the least, this has been an indescribable period for many in the propane industry.
U.S. Propane Inventories Plunge 3.8 MMbbl