Monday, September 8, 2014
The National Propane Gas Association (NPGA) Sept. 3 issued a legislative alert urging its members to contact their U.S. senators and enlist them to cosponsor and support the Propane Supply and Security Act of 2014, S. 2762. NPGA notes that the legislation contains a number of favorable provisions that will help the propane industry respond to winter challenges in the future.
“We need your help to build support for the bill, so that when Congress reconvenes next week we will have momentum to enact S. 2762 this year,” said the association. The bill would resolve issues with the U.S. Department of Commerce so the Propane Education & Research Council is once again able to readily communicate with propane customers. In addition, it provides for better inventory data by requiring the Energy Information Administration to publish stocks in storage, weekly volumes by PADD, data on state levels, and data from market hubs such as Mont Belvieu and Conway.
The bill would establish the Department of Energy (DOE) as the leader for federal and state emergency response efforts with respect to propane supply emergencies that are characterized by sudden increases in consumer prices or propane supply shortages. Finally, it would require DOE to study the effectiveness and feasibility of establishing one or more regional propane storage facilities similar to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
NPGA said industry members contacting their senators’ offices should direct senators or their staffers to Ali Nouri in Minnesota Sen. Al Franken’s office, Again, ask to have senators become a cosponsor of S. 2762. Doing so will put them on record as a supporter, which will help the bill move to the floor.
“We need your help to build support for the bill, so that when Congress reconvenes next week we will have momentum to enact S. 2762 this year,” said the association. The bill would resolve issues with the U.S. Department of Commerce so the Propane Education & Research Council is once again able to readily communicate with propane customers. In addition, it provides for better inventory data by requiring the Energy Information Administration to publish stocks in storage, weekly volumes by PADD, data on state levels, and data from market hubs such as Mont Belvieu and Conway.
The bill would establish the Department of Energy (DOE) as the leader for federal and state emergency response efforts with respect to propane supply emergencies that are characterized by sudden increases in consumer prices or propane supply shortages. Finally, it would require DOE to study the effectiveness and feasibility of establishing one or more regional propane storage facilities similar to the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
NPGA said industry members contacting their senators’ offices should direct senators or their staffers to Ali Nouri in Minnesota Sen. Al Franken’s office, Again, ask to have senators become a cosponsor of S. 2762. Doing so will put them on record as a supporter, which will help the bill move to the floor.