During the latest mid-month period, prices at Mont Belvieu, Texas, decreased. The posted prices decreased 16 cents/gal, from February mid-month to March mid-month, and the spot prices decreased 17.5 cents. Conway, Kansas, postings decreased 16.4 cents/gal, and spots decreased 15.5 cents over the month.

Mont Belvieu Postings

The Mont Belvieu mid-February posted price was 104.814 cents/gal. The next week the price decreased 4.75 cents to 100.064 cents, followed by a 3.5-cent decrease to 96.564 cents the next week. Prices then decreased 2.667 cents to 93.897 cents the first week of March. At mid-month, postings decreased 5.083 cents to 88.814 cents/gal. Compared to the same time in March 2023, the March 2024 prices were 4.642 cents higher.

Conway Postings

The Conway mid-February posted price was 93.436 cents/gal. The next week the price decreased 6.65 cents to 86.786 cents, followed by a 2.5-cent decrease to 84.286 cents the next week. Prices then decreased 2.9 cents to 81.386 cents the first week of March. At mid-month, postings decreased 4.35 cents to 77.036 cents/gal. Compared to the same time in March 2023, the March 2024 prices were 3.138 cents higher.


Mont Belvieu Spots

Mont Belvieu spots opened mid-February at 94.5 cents/gal. The next week the price fell by 8.25 cents to 86.25 cents, followed by a 1-cent decrease to 85.25 cents the next week. Prices then decreased 6 cents to 79.25 cents the first week of March. At mid-month, they fell 2.25 cents to 77 cents/gal. Compared to the same time in March 2023, the March 2024 prices were 8.25 cents higher.

Conway Spots

Conway spots opened mid-February at 87.5 cents/gal. The next week the price fell by 7.25 cents to 80.25 cents, followed by a 1.75-cent decrease to 78.5 cents the next week. Prices then decreased 4.5 cents to 74 cents the first week of March. At mid-month, they fell 2 cents to 72 cents/gal. Compared to the same time in March 2023, the March 2024 prices were 6.25 cents higher.