Forty-five U.S. Senate Democrats have released a letter to all 50 state governors requesting their comments on national energy policy. The senators outlined their priorities for a national energy policy as investing in clean energy, empowering consumers, modernizing infrastructure, cutting carbon pollution and waste, and investing in research and development.

The letter focuses on findings contained in the Obama administration’s Quadrennial Energy Review, noting that among the challenges associated with modernizing U.S. energy infrastructure is the fact that “a significant portion of the related legal, regulatory, and policy development and implementation occurs at state and local levels.” Therefore, making progress toward goals requires a robust partnership between state and federal entities and alignment of associated policies and financing mechanisms.

“The need for clean, reliable, and efficient supplies of energy is becoming closely intertwined with our economic growth and global competitiveness,” said Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), a ranking member of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee. “In fact, investing in clean energy technology has created hundreds of thousands of new jobs. We need to keep investing in cleaner, lower-cost energy solutions so that America won’t be left behind.”

“The time is now to update America’s energy policy for the 21st century,” added Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.). “Rather than reflexively oppose the administration’s efforts to develop clean energy technology and take action on climate change, Senate Democrats want to work with all 50 governors to generate bottom-up energy policies that are collaborative and innovative. They only way we can upgrade our nation’s energy system is for all states to be engaged and willing partners.”