Monday, July 29, 2019
In recognition of National Park and Recreation Month in July, the Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) updated its online resources to help parks and recreation officials learn how propane-powered maintenance equipment can reduce local emissions and save on fuel and operating costs.
“The savings and environmental benefits of using propane makes the fuel a great choice for municipalities determined to keep their communities healthy, clean, and safe,” said Jeremy Wishart, PERC director of off-road business development. “We’re seeing increasing interest from municipal fleets in using clean-burning propane equipment to reduce emissions and costs. By highlighting these resources, we hope to connect park directors and fleet managers with the information they need to support those goals.”
National Park and Recreation Month, started in 1985
by the National Recreation and Parks Association, promotes the importance of parks and recreation in health and wellness, conservation, and social equity. Propane-powered mowers and autogas-fueled vehicles can help meet these goals by helping departments reduce emissions and cut fuel costs that can then benefit other parks projects.
The municipal resources webpage, Resources-for-Municipalities, features several case studies and testimonial videos showcasing the success of fleets currently using propane mowers and autogas vehicles across the U.S. A fact sheet is also available on the site that can easily be shared with city council members or county commissioners.
Parks and recreation leaders and fleet managers can also access information regarding PERC’s Propane Mower Incentive Program, which offers a $1000 incentive for qualifying mower purchases or $500 for conversion kits, with a convenient online application. In addition, the Propane Mower Cost Calculator is an online tool that park officials and fleet managers can use to see the possible savings switching to propane can offer. The tool shows both immediate savings by using propane compared to gasoline or diesel, as well as savings that fleets can experience over time with the fuel.
The Find a Propane Supplier tool can be used to locate local refueling partners, and the Find a Propane Equipment Dealer tool includes more than 500 equipment dealers who sell propane-powered mowers or con- version kits in its database. The Cut eNewsletter, a quarterly emailed publication from PERC, offers insights on regulations, fuel incentives, videos and articles, research, new technology for commercial propane mowers, fleet management tips, and trade show or event announcements.
The Autogas Refuel eNewsletter, also a quarterly emailed publication from the council, features insights on propane autogas vehicles for private and public fleets, including fleet management tips, news regarding federal regulations and incentives, research, and peer case studies and videos.
“The savings and environmental benefits of using propane makes the fuel a great choice for municipalities determined to keep their communities healthy, clean, and safe,” said Jeremy Wishart, PERC director of off-road business development. “We’re seeing increasing interest from municipal fleets in using clean-burning propane equipment to reduce emissions and costs. By highlighting these resources, we hope to connect park directors and fleet managers with the information they need to support those goals.”
National Park and Recreation Month, started in 1985
by the National Recreation and Parks Association, promotes the importance of parks and recreation in health and wellness, conservation, and social equity. Propane-powered mowers and autogas-fueled vehicles can help meet these goals by helping departments reduce emissions and cut fuel costs that can then benefit other parks projects.
The municipal resources webpage, Resources-for-Municipalities, features several case studies and testimonial videos showcasing the success of fleets currently using propane mowers and autogas vehicles across the U.S. A fact sheet is also available on the site that can easily be shared with city council members or county commissioners.
Parks and recreation leaders and fleet managers can also access information regarding PERC’s Propane Mower Incentive Program, which offers a $1000 incentive for qualifying mower purchases or $500 for conversion kits, with a convenient online application. In addition, the Propane Mower Cost Calculator is an online tool that park officials and fleet managers can use to see the possible savings switching to propane can offer. The tool shows both immediate savings by using propane compared to gasoline or diesel, as well as savings that fleets can experience over time with the fuel.
The Find a Propane Supplier tool can be used to locate local refueling partners, and the Find a Propane Equipment Dealer tool includes more than 500 equipment dealers who sell propane-powered mowers or con- version kits in its database. The Cut eNewsletter, a quarterly emailed publication from PERC, offers insights on regulations, fuel incentives, videos and articles, research, new technology for commercial propane mowers, fleet management tips, and trade show or event announcements.
The Autogas Refuel eNewsletter, also a quarterly emailed publication from the council, features insights on propane autogas vehicles for private and public fleets, including fleet management tips, news regarding federal regulations and incentives, research, and peer case studies and videos.