Stephanie Ulam, enterprises office supervisor at Berkeley Propane Company
"I oversee customer service, sales, dispatching and scheduling. I work closely with the vice president of Berkeley Cooperative Enterprises and the lead delivery service technician to ensure our company runs smoothly," Ulam said.
What’s the toughest decision you’ve made in your current role?
The toughest decisions I have made in my current role revolved around how to handle the volatility of the market and the skyrocketing prices of materials. How do we handle this as a company? And how much of the cost increase can we absorb before we begin affecting our customers?
What’s something that not a lot of people know about you?
A lot of people might not know how passionate I am about animal welfare, since I work in a completely different industry.
I have fostered over 60 animals through my local animal shelter, and I often share stories of my experiences fostering animals and volunteering at the shelter with my coworkers.
If you could change something in the industry, what would it be?
I would love to see more of the younger generations involved in the industry. The knowledge and wisdom that we get from those that have been in the industry for many years is so valuable; it would be great to share that with the next generations to come.
What qualities make a strong leader?
A strong leader is one that does not separate themselves from their team. They are willing and able to jump in and fill any role during busy or stressful times, and they celebrate their team’s wins. They set a great example by their actions — not just their words — for their team to follow.
What are you reading?
Currently, I am reading “212 Degree Leadership — The 10 Rules for Highly Effective Leadership” and “212 Degree Service — The 10 Rules for Creating a Service Culture,” both written by Mac Anderson.
What advice do you have for someone coming into the industry?
Take it all in — and don’t let yourself get overwhelmed by the vast amount of information that you will be exposed to.
There is so much to learn. After nearly four years in the industry, I am still learning something new every day.
How would you spend an unexpected day off?
I would spend an unexpected day off volunteering at my local animal shelter.