A clipart displays different ways one can use their free time, from lifting weights to running.
These daily rituals, shared by individuals across different walks of life, highlight the nonnegotiable habits that keep their days balanced & spirits fulfilled

This question brings responses that are beyond chores. It taps into the nearly or literally daily rituals we may have that make our days complete. In this column, adopted from the familiar “Heard on the Street” format, we offer our responders a chance to answer the question posed in the title. These are their replies reported verbatim. 


I will always work out. I take a day off now and again, as my body needs a rest day. But every morning I wake up at 5 a.m., head down into my basement and do one of my three workouts — squat day, dead lift day and chest day (bench). I’m no longer concerned about my one-rep maxes, but I continue lifting heavy. I have more muscle now than I did when I was 30. And the reason for all this fevered activity? I plan to live to 110 to torment my son, and I realize that I will need A LOT of muscle to make that happen. LOL! 

Leslie Woodward 
Fairview Fittings 
Oakville, Ontario, Canada 

I will always spend time going through my closets/garage getting rid of things we no longer use. We don’t live in a very big home, so I always enjoy a good purge, especially when it opens up more space in the house. 

Sam Fung 
Emerson Fisher LP Gas 
McKinney, Texas 


No matter what: God, family, country! I will always spend time in church and prayer. I walked away from my faith for a period of time, and let’s just say it did not go well for me. 

Judy Taranovich 
Proctor Gas Inc. 
Proctor, Vermont 

This is one of the easiest questions to answer — the kind of question that you have an answer for within one second of reading it. On a daily basis, I will find time to do the following things: I will talk on my two-way radios, meaning ham radio, CB radio or GMRS radio, as well as listen to all forms of two-way radio communication. Also, I will do something railroad-related, such as watch trains or volunteer at our trolley museum. Another thing I do no matter what, but may not be every day due to weather and out of a certain area, is to geocache. (Look up geocache if you are not familiar with it). Lastly, bringing my daughter to ballet, school and other places. 

Richard Strycharz Jr. 
Walter’s Propane 
Sunderland, Massachusetts 

The one thing I will spend time doing no matter what is praying! I am a very strong believer in the power of prayer! I love my Lord and savior, Jesus Christ! Talking with God is a privilege I do not take lightly. ‘Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you’ (1 Thessalonians 5:16-17). 

Paula Moore 
Blackburn Propane Service Inc. 
Durant, Oklahoma 

Well, besides the obvious answers of sleeping and taking out the garbage, I’ll probably always spend some time looking to the future and planning things. Whether they are work-related or personal, I find that if I have something to look forward to in the future, my motivation increases, and I can go about my daily business with a better attitude about things. It can be as complex as a trip or vacation or as simple as taking a swim later in the day; it just seems to help my outlook on things. Of course, there’s always doctor appointments and the like, which I don’t necessarily look forward to. But getting out of the house for whatever reason does pick me up. 

Bruce Swiecicki 
National Propane Gas Association 
Tinley Park, Illinois 

I try to find time each day to be grateful for everything that life has offered me. It might be in my car while driving, first thing in the morning or at some random time of the day, but I try to remember how fortunate I am every day. There are certainly other areas that I wish I was more consistent in doing, but having gratitude is a must-do. 

Tom Krupa 
NGL Supply Terminals Co. 
Richmond, Virginia 

No matter what, I will always spend time checking in on the people I care about and learning how I can best support them. Showing up for people is something I don’t think I could stop if I tried. Another thing I will always spend time on is supporting my own development and growth as a leader, as a partner, as a mother, as a friend and any other role I’m in. 

Lauren Clark 
Bergquist Inc. 
Toledo, Ohio 

My goal is to always go to bed with a clean kitchen, but specifically a clean sink! It sounds weird, but those mornings when I get up and have to clean out the sink before I can even make breakfast set a negative tone for me. It’s like I’ve sabotaged myself the night before. 

Tonya Crow 
Bloomington, Illinois 

In this time, it seems time management is more important than ever. And as you get older, time goes by even faster. So, where you spend your time should be prioritized. I love my work and get personal satisfaction helping my customers. I put the time that’s needed to solve my customers’ problems and make my business successful. However, life is more than work. My family and my passions are critical to life balance and happiness. I am fortunate to have eight grandchildren. I always make sure I spend quality time with them creating fond memories and being a positive influence on their lives. I also make time for my passion for music. As a professional musician, I continue to perform and practice regularly. Sharing that passion with others is very gratifying. Life balance is important for happiness. If you are not happy, you need to fill your needs as a person. Enjoy the little things and minimize your stress. Not only will you be happy, but you will be more fun to be around. 

Ed Varney 
Topline Management 
McKinney, Texas 

Don’t Go Through Your Day Without … 

We have our rituals, without which our days feel a bit off balance. Some are significant priorities for us and simply will not be overlooked. These rituals are part of our system of living — part of our well-being. Sometimes we simply can’t “take care of business” if we haven’t taken care of that one thing we do for ourselves — no matter what.

Nancy Coop is an industry advocate. She is director of marketing at the M&A advisory firm Cetane Associates. Contact her at ncoop@cetane.com. Visit cetane.com.


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