Wednesday, September 28, 2016
The Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) in partnership with Rinnai, a global company with a 45 year history of innovation in water heating and home heating gas appliances for residential and commercial applications, is looking for 10 lucky plumbing or HVAC instructors who will win a free trip to Rinnai’s facility in Peachtree City, Georgia, February 21-22, 2017. The 10 lucky plumbing or HVAC instructors will receive an exclusive, hands-on, train-the-trainer presentation of PERC’s newest course, Overview of Propane Distribution Systems for HVAC and Plumbing Professionals.
Those selected will receive airfare and hotel accommodations while they attend the two-day, hands-on training session at the Rinnai facility in Peachtree City, Georgia. Attendees will learn how to:
• Verify that gas appliances meet code and safe operational requirements.
• Determine interior gas piping requirements.
• Identify gas system and appliance startup requirements.
• Respond to the most recent federal water heater efficiency regulations.
Nominating someone for the contest is easy, just use this form to tell nominate a plumbing or HVAC professional and why they should be considered at
Encourage your residential construction contacts to nominate people they know, too. Instructors can even nominate themselves! Not only will the winners enjoy the trip, they’ll be able to add this valuable skill — propane training — to their curriculum.
You can also help by sharing this new course with local plumbing and HVAC professionals, trade schools, community college instructors, and your other industry contacts. Promote the contest with materials created by the Propane Education & Research Council, including digital ads for your website, social media graphics, and more. Everything you need is available for downloading at PERC’s Propane Resource Catalog.
The goal is to encourage plumbing and HVAC instructors from coast-to-coast to add this free course to their curriculum in an effort to produce a new generation of propane professionals. Because more people qualified to work with propane will mean more propane appliances going into homes, and that’s what will keep your residential gallons growing. Nominate someone you know to win the trip and keep spreading the word about the course. For additional information contact Bridget Kidd, 202-452-8975 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Those selected will receive airfare and hotel accommodations while they attend the two-day, hands-on training session at the Rinnai facility in Peachtree City, Georgia. Attendees will learn how to:
• Verify that gas appliances meet code and safe operational requirements.
• Determine interior gas piping requirements.
• Identify gas system and appliance startup requirements.
• Respond to the most recent federal water heater efficiency regulations.
Nominating someone for the contest is easy, just use this form to tell nominate a plumbing or HVAC professional and why they should be considered at
Encourage your residential construction contacts to nominate people they know, too. Instructors can even nominate themselves! Not only will the winners enjoy the trip, they’ll be able to add this valuable skill — propane training — to their curriculum.
You can also help by sharing this new course with local plumbing and HVAC professionals, trade schools, community college instructors, and your other industry contacts. Promote the contest with materials created by the Propane Education & Research Council, including digital ads for your website, social media graphics, and more. Everything you need is available for downloading at PERC’s Propane Resource Catalog.
The goal is to encourage plumbing and HVAC instructors from coast-to-coast to add this free course to their curriculum in an effort to produce a new generation of propane professionals. Because more people qualified to work with propane will mean more propane appliances going into homes, and that’s what will keep your residential gallons growing. Nominate someone you know to win the trip and keep spreading the word about the course. For additional information contact Bridget Kidd, 202-452-8975 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..