PBF Energy Inc. (Parsippany, N.J.) said June 18 that it has signed an agreement to acquire 100% of Chalmette Refining LLC, including its 189,000-bbld refinery in Chalmette, La., from joint-venture owners ExxonMobil and PDV Chalmette LLC, a subsidiary of state-owned Petróleos de Venezuela SA. The agreement includes related logistics and chemical assets. With the $322-million acquisition, PBF Energy will increase its throughput capacity to more than 725,000 bbld.
First-quarter 2015 financial results for globally integrated oil companies, those that focus on both the exploration and production of crude oil—upstream—and the refining of crude into petroleum products—downstream—show that total earnings were $22 billion, or 54%, lower than in first-quarter 2014, reports the Energy Information Administration (EIA).
As much as 141 Bbbl of potential incremental hydrocarbon resources could be unlocked if drilling and completion techniques refined in U.S. shale plays are applied to conventional, low-productivity oil plays outside of North America, according to new analysis from the consultancy IHS.
The Alaska LNG project has received conditional authorization from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to export liquefied natural gas to non-free trade agreement countries. The application to export up to 20 million metric tons a year from Alaska was submitted to DOE last July. Authorization to export to nations with free trade agreements was granted in November 2014. “We are very pleased with the progress this represents,” said Steve Butt, Alaska LNG senior project manager.
U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), advancing efforts to lift the current ban on most U.S. crude oil exports, has released a report making the case that sanctions on Iranian oil should not be lifted without also lifting the ban on U.S. crude exports. The report, “Cross-Currents: Iranian Oil and the U.S. Export Ban,” challenges Obama administration statements to support her argument.


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Transportation’s (DOT) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration are jointly proposing new standards for medium- and heavy-duty trucks aimed at boosting fuel efficiency and cutting carbon emissions. Claimed is that the move will reduce the impacts of climate change, bolster energy security, and spur manufacturing innovation.
The energy consultancy Wood Mackenzie notes that recent declines in NGL prices are exacerbating the financial stress facing operators following the fall in oil prices over the past year. This is due to an oversupplied global market, driven by North American rich-gas production and a lack of market access for ethane and LPG—with the exception of the Gulf Coast.
Kinder Morgan Inc. (Houston) has launched a binding open season to solicit commitments for the proposed Utica Marcellus Texas Pipeline (UMTP), which would transport liquids produced from the Utica and Marcellus basins to delivery points along the Texas Gulf Coast, including connectivity to a Kinder Morgan dock.
Canadian underground propane inventories in May rose 7.2% for a month-over-month increase of 86.5 Mcm, according to the National Energy Board (NEB). As of June 1, stocks stood at 1281.6 Mcm, the equivalent of 8.1 MMbbl. Compared to a year earlier, volumes were up a sharp 84.1%, or by 585.6 Mcm.
U.S. propane stocks the week ended June 19 stretched 1.3 MMbbl higher to reach 82.0 MMbbl, according to the Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) June 24 “This Week in Petroleum” report. As of that date, inventories stood 28.3 MMbbl, or 52.7%, higher than a year ago. Gulf Coast volumes increased by 0.7 MMbbl and the Midwest by 0.5 MMbbl. East Coast and Rocky Mountain/West Coast regional supplies remained unchanged. Propylene non-fuel-use stocks represented 6.4% of total inventories, off from 6.7% the previous week.
The sudden influx of money to rural farms from the shale gas revolution is a mixed blessing for American farmers, according to a new report by National Center for Policy Analysis research associate Mike Gajewsky. The money could be subject to the estate tax. “The estate tax, often called the death tax by opponents, is ineffective in reducing inequality,” says Gajewsky. “It does, however, excel at destroying family business and stifling economic growth.”
A diverse and often misinformed debate about unconventional gas and oil resources is jeopardizing a once-in-a-generation opportunity to change America’s economic and energy trajectory, asserts a report by Harvard Business School and Boston Consulting Group. The report maintains that unconventional energy resources are perhaps the largest opportunity to improve the trajectory of the U.S.
Gas utilities in the Northwest have teamed with the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) to develop a plan for initiating natural gas market transformation, focused on long-term savings for companies and consumers. NEEA has joined the Gas Technology Institute’s (GTI) Emerging Technology Program, a collaboration focused on accelerating the commercialization and adoption of the latest end-use energy efficiency technologies to support these efforts.
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) secretary Tom Vilsack reports his agency will spend up to $100 million in a biofuels partnership to support infrastructure improvements to make more renewable fuel options available to American consumers. Specifically, USDA will administer competitive grants to match funding for state-led efforts to test and evaluate “innovative and comprehensive” approaches to market higher blends of renewable fuel such as E15 and E85.
SMART, a southeast Michigan public transportation provider, has introduced 61 new Connector autogas paratransit buses manufactured by Champion Bus. Inc. (Imlay City, Mich.) to its fleet. The move makes SMART the second-largest propane-powered paratransit fleet in Michigan and one of the five-largest in the U.S. “SMART is committed to responsibly and eco-consciously serving the communities in southeast Michigan,” said John C. Hertel, general manager.
Energy Transfer Equity LP (ETE, Dallas) confirmed June 22 that it had made a proposal to merge with the Williams Cos. (Tulsa) in an all-equity transaction valued at $53.1 billion, including the assumption of debt and other liabilities. Under the proposal, ETE would acquire all outstanding Williams common stock at a premium to the closing share price as of June 19, 2015.
Prism Midstream LLC (Houston) has begun construction of its Bedrock liquids handling facility in Crockett County, Texas. The facility will handle both on-spec and off-spec natural gas liquids and off-spec condensate, providing an outlet for those products, and is scheduled to be in operation by the end of the first quarter of 2016.
Power Solutions International (PSI; Wood Dale, Ill.), a global alternative fuel engine company, has acquired electronic fuel injection system manufacturer Bi-Phase Technologies LLC (Eagan, Minn.), a privately held subsidiary of Schwan Food Co. (Marshall, Minn.), a national food marketer. Bi-Phase Technologies designs and manufactures fuel systems that enable gasoline engines to be fueled by liquid propane.
U.S. Reps. Robert Latta (R-Ohio) and Timothy Walz (D-Minn.) have formed the Congressional Propane Caucus in order to provide a bipartisan forum to engage members of Congress, staff, and the public on issues of importance to propane consumers and the propane industry. Additional founding members include Reps.
Construction of a $500-million propane export terminal at the Port of Portland late last week appeared to have garnered tentative support for a second chance at City Hall. The project was assumed dead when Portland, Ore. Mayor Charlie Hales yanked his support. But City Commissioner Nick Fish nonetheless has asked the city attorney to determine if Pembina Pipeline Corp. has a legal right to a hearing on a zoning change it is seeking to move the project forward.
The Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) and Origin Engines (Kearney, Neb.) said
April 13 that an emissions-certified, 9.1-liter propane irrigation engine has been released that will provide agricultural producers with a reliable and cost-effective alternative to expensive Tier 4 diesel models.