On Nov. 7, American Petroleum Institute (API) president and CEO Mike Sommers issued the following statement on the results of the 2020 election.

“We congratulate and look forward to working with President-elect Biden, Vice President-elect Harris, and the next Congress to support America’s economic recovery, which will be built on affordable and reliable American energy. In key battleground states and races across the country, Americans voted for U.S. energy leadership and the millions of jobs and economic benefits it provides.
The National Propane Gas Association (NPGA) reports that the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) of the Department of Transportation (DOT) has approved NPGA’s petition on the requalification of DOT-specification cylinders by hydrostatic testing, also known as the volumetric expansion testing method. This action, announced by PHMSA in an Oct. 30, 2020, final rule, returns the requalification period to 12 years.
The Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) has launched a new webpage dedicated to carbon monoxide (CO) safety and indoor air quality. The effort is intended to help raise awareness for CO Safety Month, recognized in November.
On Nov. 2, the opening day of the virtual e-LPG Week, Dr. Fatih Birol, executive director of the International Energy Agency (IEA), addressed attendees about the role of energy in the global recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. He explained the huge impact of the pandemic, with declines in energy usage of around 5% and some 20% reduction in investment, a situation not seen since World War II. Corresponding expected declines in global emissions of around 7% are the largest in history, but, as Dr.


In 2019, the United States was the most energy secure it has been since 1970, according to data in the 2020 edition of the annual Index of U.S. Energy Security Risk published by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Global Energy Institute.
For the period ended Oct. 30, the U.S. rig count rose by nine rigs from last week to 296. Oil rigs increased by 10 to 221, gas rigs fell by one to 72, and miscellaneous rigs remained unchanged at three.

The U.S. rig count is 526 rigs less than last year's count of 822. Oil rigs decreased by 470, gas rigs were off by 58, and miscellaneous rigs were up two.
The U.S. offshore rig count is unchanged at 13, but down nine units year-over-year.
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) forecasts that members of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) will earn about $323 billion in net oil export revenues in 2020. If realized, this forecast revenue would be the lowest in 18 years. Lower crude oil prices combined with a decrease in export volumes are driving this expected decrease in export revenues.
The COVID-19 pandemic and the acceleration of the energy transition have led Rystad Energy (Oslo, Norway) to significantly revise its long-term oil demand forecast. The virus is expected to have a lasting impact on global oil demand, which the consultancy now sees peaking at 102 MMbbld in 2028. Before COVID-19, it had called for peak oil demand of just over 106 MMbbld in 2030.
Quarles Petroleum Inc., a regional provider of residential and commercial fuels headquartered in Fredericksburg, Va., has purchased the propane and petroleum operations of Dixie Gas & Oil Corp., a third-generation family-owned propane, commercial fuels, and home heating oil distributor based in Verona, Va.
ROUSH CleanTech, an industry leader of advanced clean mobility solutions, began production of its Gen 5 propane autogas fuel system in September. The company’s innovative propane autogas technology integrates Ford’s new 7.3L V8 engine in Class 3-7 chassis. The Gen 5 propane fuel system is now available.
The American Petroleum Institute (API) released the following statement on the Oct. 22 presidential debate from API’s president and CEO, Mike Sommers.
According to the latest Baker Hughes Rig Count, released Oct. 23, the U.S. rig count is up five from last week to 287. Oil rigs are up six to 211, gas rigs are down one to 73, and miscellaneous rigs are unchanged at three.

The U.S. rig count is down 543 rigs from last year's count of 830, with oil rigs down 485, gas rigs down 60, and miscellaneous rigs up two.
The U.S. offshore rig count is down one to 13, down eight year-over-year.

The Canada rig count is up three from last week to 83. Oil rigs are up two to 42 and gas rigs are up one to 41.
A comprehensive Rystad Energy analysis of oil production costs has revealed that the average breakeven price for all unsanctioned projects has dropped to around $50 per barrel, down around 10% over the last two years, and 35% since 2014. This means that oil is much cheaper to produce now compared to six years ago, with the clear cost savings winner being new offshore deepwater developments.
Cetane Associates LLC (“Cetane”; Kent, Conn.) has announced that Santoro Oil Company, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Total Energy Capital Corporation (“Total”; Providence, R.I.), has acquired the heating oil delivery and HVAC equipment installation and maintenance business of Hometown Heating, LLC (“Hometown Heating”; Brooklyn, Conn.). The transaction closed on Oct. 5, 2020.
Ernst & Young LLP (EY US) has announced that Martin Adams and Robert Barnacle, founders of ANOVA, were named as Entrepreneur Of The Year 2020 New Jersey Award winners. The Entrepreneur Of The Year Awards program is one of the preeminent competitive awards for entrepreneurs and leaders of high-growth companies.
Canada’s primary underground propane inventories increased by 1.7% in September to start October 2020 at 2376.4 Mcm, the equivalent of 15.0 MMbbl, according to the Canada Energy Regulator (CER). The total represented a minimal month-to-month gain of 39.8 Mcm. Compared to a year earlier, stocks were up markedly, with 1063.4 Mcm, or 81.0%, more product on hand.
According to the latest Baker Hughes Rig Count, released Oct. 16, the U.S. rig count is up 13 from the previous week to 282. Oil rigs are up 12 to 205, gas rigs are up one to 74, and miscellaneous rigs are unchanged at three.

U.S. Rig Count is down 569 rigs from last year's count of 851, with oil rigs down 508, gas rigs down 63, and miscellaneous rigs up two.

The U.S. Offshore Rig Count is unchanged at 14, down eight year-over-year.