The Baker Hughes United States Rig Count is down 11 from last week to 497, with oil rigs down 16 to 394, gas rigs up five to 102, and miscellaneous rigs unchanged at one.

The U.S. Rig Count is up 241 rigs from last year's count of 256, with oil rigs up 213 gas rigs up 30 and miscellaneous rigs down two to one.

The U.S. Offshore Rig Count is down 13 to two, down 13 year over year.

Due to Hurricane Ida making landfall in the Grand Isle area of Louisiana on Aug. 26, 2021, the Baker Hughes Active Rig Count in the Gulf of Mexico is at zero for the week ending September 2. Rig operators began halting exploration and development activities from Friday, August 24, in anticipation of the storm, with operational assessment ongoing in the area.

The Canada Rig Count is up five from last week to 152, with oil rigs up seven to 92, gas rigs down two to 60 and miscellaneous unchanged at zero.

Canada Rig Count is up 100 rigs from last year's count of 52, with oil rigs up 73, gas rigs up 27 and miscellaneous unchanged at zero.