U.S. propane stocks the week ended June 19 stretched 1.3 MMbbl higher to reach 82.0 MMbbl, according to the Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) June 24 “This Week in Petroleum” report. As of that date, inventories stood 28.3 MMbbl, or 52.7%, higher than a year ago. Gulf Coast volumes increased by 0.7 MMbbl and the Midwest by 0.5 MMbbl. East Coast and Rocky Mountain/West Coast regional supplies remained unchanged. Propylene non-fuel-use stocks represented 6.4% of total inventories, off from 6.7% the previous week.

U.S. propane production for the week was at 1.632 MMbbld, just fractionally lower than a week earlier but about 0.14 MMbbld higher than last year. East Coast production was at 0.226 MMbbld, the Midwest 0.333 MMbbld, and the Gulf Coast 0.894 MMbbld. Week-over-week totals showed the East Coast and Midwest virtually unchanged, while Gulf Coast production dipped just slightly. For the year, the East Coast posted a near-1 MMbbld gain. The Midwest and the Gulf Coast both contributed minimal increases.

Propane imports to the nation were at 0.083 MMbbld, barely lower from a week earlier and rising only marginally from a year ago. The East Coast received 0.027 MMbbld and the Midwest 0.046 MMbbld. EIA reported that U.S. propane demand for the week was at 0.928 MMbbld, down about 0.1 MMbbld from the prior week but standing just higher than last year.