With more than 20 years of experience, Amanda Bacon-Davis, president of Savvi Strategies, is relaunching her company with its new vice president, Sarah Berry.

Savvi Strategies is consulting firm designed to help businesses dramatically improve their marketing and public relations, as well as teach them how to transform their company culture and use it as a strong, profitable competitive advantage.

“COVID-19 has turned marketing and company culture on its head,” Bacon-Davis said. “There is no better time to reevaluate how you are talking to your customers, and what your employees need from you in order to be successful long-term.” 

“Amanda and I are both familiar with the HVAC industry,” said Berry. “With years spent working in this industry, we know our abilities are needed right now. Our approach is vastly different from our competition, for example, we don’t work for our client’s top competitors, which is critical for a company to have a chance at standing out in an industry where everyone offers the same exact products and services.”

Berry’s background of running her own successful company, working with marketing organizations, and overseeing sales and marketing for large companies, gives her a different style that blends well with Bacon’s.


Bacon-Davis said, “We are seeing that marketing in the HVAC industry is the same stale content used repeatedly, and we want to show family owned and operated companies, that there is more to marketing than regurgitating the same things their competitors are doing. The only way to truly grow, is to connect with your customers, and that means they need to know who you are.”