With the conclusion of the National Propane Gas Association (NPGA) winter board of directors meeting Feb. 4, NPGA president and CEO Rick Roldan outlined a short- and long-term strategy aimed at preventing a repeat of the current supply, demand, and distribution nightmares.

First, NPGA is working with the U.S. Depart­ment of Energy (DOE) to raise awareness of the depletion of supply at Conway, Kan., urging agencies to take action to avoid a crisis situation. Roldan notes that DOE has authority under a number of laws, including the Stafford Act, Defense Production Act, and the Energy Policy and Conservation Act.

Roldan adds that regional hours-of-service waivers are scheduled to expire Feb. 11, and that the association is working to extend the deadline, as well as working to provide additional relief in the form of weight restriction exemptions.

Finally, NPGA is working with authorities at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, the Department of Commerce, and the White House to determine to what extent their emergency author­ity should be implemented. Roldan comments that application of this authority could include, but is not limited to, government mandates to pipeline opera­tors to prioritize shipment of propane and to increase production flowing into Conway.