Kinder Morgan Inc. (Houston) has launched a binding open season to solicit commitments for the proposed Utica Marcellus Texas Pipeline (UMTP), which would transport liquids produced from the Utica and Marcellus basins to delivery points along the Texas Gulf Coast, including connectivity to a Kinder Morgan dock. The proposed project would involve the abandonment and conversion of 964 miles of natural gas service on Kinder Morgan’s existing Tennessee Gas Pipeline (TGP), the construction of about 200 miles of new pipeline from Louisiana to Texas, new storage in Ohio, and 120 miles of new laterals to provide basin connectivity.

The $4-billion UMTP project will be designed to transport propane, butanes, natural gasoline, Y-grade NGLs, and condensate in batches along the system, with a maximum design capacity of 430,000 bbld. Subject to shipper commitments and timely regulatory approvals, the pipeline will be in service by the fourth quarter of 2018.

“We are pleased to offer producers the flexibility to batch purity products for transportation to the Gulf Coast,” said Don Lindley, president of natural gas liquids products pipelines for Kinder Morgan. “Repurposing the existing TGP asset provides increased optionality, reliability, and market connectivity to shippers for all products, and supports the increasing production growth in the basin.”

Prospective shippers may contact Mike Sims, director of NGL business development, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 713/420-4731. More information is available on the UMTP Web page at