…The multiple advantages of adopting propane-powered mowers can be demonstrated to landscape professionals with a case study of Carson’s Nurseries in Springfield, Mo. The study highlights that in addition to fuel savings, the Ozarks-based nursery and landscaping company has become more competitive when bidding. The case study is available as a free download at
propanemarc.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=4697, or for purchase in packs of 25…

…New Hampshire’s Senate has voted to expand the state’s tax on gas and diesel to alternative motor fuels, including propane, CNG, and LNG. It would not apply to electricity. The tax would be levied at the same rate as the tax on traditional motor fuels and take effect Jan. 1. The tax is currently at 18 cents/gal. However, a bill is pending to raise the fuel tax to 22 cents…

…The World LP-Gas Association has launched a new website dedicated to autogas. The site is aimed at becoming a central source for autogas information. Those in the autogas sector are invited to visit at www.auto-gas.net...