A graphic that says August 2023 Industry Insider Bryce Mainville with a headshot of Mainville in a blue shirt in front of a blue circle frame
Jomar Valve's national sales manager — gas division, shares why he wants dependability to be his legacy & what he wish he knew earlier in his career

Bryce Mainville National Sales Manager — Gas, Jomar Valve

Describe your current role at your company.

As of this year, I am focused on both the propane and natural gas segments of our business. On the propane side, I support Jomar’s wholesale distribution partners and both of our end users. On the natural gas side of our business, I call on natural gas utilities and am focused on getting our valves specified — and then sold — through that channel. With both segments of the business, I am genuinely fortunate to be working with great people in a continuously evolving industry.

How did you get your start in the propane industry?

Unofficially, I got my start around 15 years ago when I was hired at Jomar as a customer service representative. Officially, I began attending the NPGA Southeastern Convention & International Propane Expo about 13 years ago as an industrial/actuation product manager. I enjoyed interacting with industry peers and customers and have been cultivating meaningful relationships ever since that first show in Atlanta, Georgia.

Congratulations on your promotion to national sales manager! What’s your future vision for the gas segment at Jomar?

I know I have big shoes to fill with this new role, as my predecessors have done a terrific job building our product offering over the years and creating a respected brand that customers prefer. I truly feel blessed to be working in this industry.

The most important thing I want to focus on is ensuring Jomar continues to promote, develop and deliver quality products while providing strong pre- and post-sales support. Jomar would be nothing without our customers, and my vision is to make sure we continue to keep their needs at the forefront.

What’s the most important lesson you have learned from a mentor or manager?


I have been fortunate to have great mentors and leaders during my time at Jomar, all of whom have become true friends outside of work. Professionally, the one phrase that immediately pops into my head is “stay hungry and stay humble.” To me, it’s a reminder to keep pushing forward and keep trying new approaches, but always remain humble and true to your roots.

What’s one thing you wish you knew earlier in your career that you know now?

Not everything is worth an immediate reaction. Sometimes it is best to sit and digest a situation or scenario and react with a tactful response, as opposed to reacting with the emotion of the moment. I still must be reminded of this from time to time, though! Hopefully in another 10 to 15 years, it will finally catch on!

What do you do to relax and unwind after a day of work?

My wife and I are blessed with two daughters; Sloane is 2 and Wren is 5 months old. As such, I have forgotten what unwinding before 8 p.m. is like! In all seriousness, spending quality time with them is what helps me unwind.

Someone once told me, “You only have your kids until they are 6 or 7 — if you are lucky. Then it is their show, and you are their chauffeur.” That stuck with me, and I want to soak up as much of that time as I can.

If I ever have a free moment away from them, I am usually working on a home project, and — on the rare occasion — I am getting out to golf, fish or grab lunch with some buddies.

What do you want your legacy to include?

Professionally and personally, I hope I am remembered as someone who followed through and did what he said he would. I also hope that I am — and will continue to be — a person who others can depend on and look up to for guidance and support. I’ve been surrounded by people like this for the entirety of my career at Jomar, so in many ways, I am trying to carry the torch that was passed to me.

What’s your most-used productivity hack?

I don’t know if it’s a hack, but I am a fan of making a written list. We get pulled in a million directions throughout the day between phone calls, emails, urgent matters and sales calls. To me, having that list helps me reset the busy moments and gets me back on track.

If you could start a new hobby, what would it be?

It varies depending on the day, but today, I would like to start playing the guitar again. I have played on and off since I was 13, but the extent of what I play has been bass, chords and rhythm. I would love to get professional lessons and learn music theory and proper techniques from a teacher.



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