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How implementing a strategic succession action plan drives growth in the propane, oil & gas industry

In the high-stakes world of propane, oil and gas, your entrepreneurial spirit isn’t just an asset — it’s the lifeblood that drives your success. It fuels your growth, overcomes challenges and forges powerful opportunities for your family, employees and community. But the crucial question is: Are you truly maximizing its potential?

Rethinking Succession Planning

If your understanding of succession planning is limited to estate planning and exit strategies, you’re missing out on significant value and opportunities while putting your business at risk. Succession planning should be a holistic process that encompasses every aspect of your business — from talent and performance to strategic planning. It’s about safeguarding, growing and maximizing your business’s value and ensuring its future for generations. Relying solely on personal financial planning and legal aspects overlooks critical opportunities and exposes your business to unnecessary potential threats.

Succession Planning: Your Key to a Thriving Future

Succession planning isn’t just for retirement or stepping away from the business; it’s a strategic tool that drives exceptional growth. Prioritizing proactive succession and growth strategies now prepares you to capitalize on opportunities, address challenges head-on and ensure your business thrives in any situation. Embrace succession planning today to maintain control and secure long-term success for your business for years to come.

The Power of Proactive Succession Planning

Proactive succession planning is much more than a safety net or an exit strategy — it’s a strategic framework that ensures the continued success and growth of your business. By integrating performance management, leadership continuity, strategic planning and successor development into your succession strategy, you’re setting your business up for long-term success.

  1. Holistic Approach: Effective succession planning involves a thorough examination of your business’s performance, leadership structure and strategic goals. This comprehensive approach not only safeguards your current operations but also sets the stage for future growth. By preparing successors and implementing strategic plans, you create a robust foundation that enhances your business’s resilience and adaptability.
  2. Maximizing Value: A well-crafted succession plan doesn’t just protect your business; it actively increases its value. Whether you’re looking to sell, transfer leadership to family members or promote key employees, a proactive plan ensures that your business is positioned for scalable success. This approach allows you to capture and maximize opportunities that might otherwise be missed.
  3. Transforming Challenges: Proactive planning helps you address potential challenges before they become major issues. By developing strategies for reliable year-round revenue, recruiting top talent and staying compliant with regulations, you can turn obstacles into opportunities. This forward-thinking mindset ensures your business remains resilient and agile, ready to handle any disruptions or changes in the market.
  4. Sustaining Growth: The ultimate goal of succession planning is to sustain and drive growth. With a clear plan in place, you can focus on expanding your business, exploring new markets and leveraging emerging technologies. This strategic outlook not only enhances your business’s competitive edge but also ensures its long-term success and stability.

The Risks of Neglecting Succession Planning

Ignoring succession planning can have severe consequences. Regulatory changes, technological advancements and shifts in family dynamics aren’t just possibilities — they’re realities that could significantly impact your business. Being proactive ensures your business remains resilient, adaptable and ready to seize new opportunities. Without a robust plan, you risk facing unexpected disruptions that could derail your operations and ultimately diminish your business’s value.

4 Key Steps to Control Your Business Future


1. Address Uncertainties Head-On

  • Economic Fluctuations: Develop financial strategies to handle commodity price volatility and capitalize on emerging opportunities. For example, setting aside a contingency fund or diversifying your revenue streams can help cushion against market downturns.
  • Technological Advancements: Invest in technology and infrastructure to stay ahead of innovations. Implementing advanced systems can enhance operational efficiency and keep you competitive.
  • Regulatory Changes: Stay informed about potential regulatory changes and create strategies to comply while minimizing disruption. Regular audits and consultations with legal experts can ensure your business adapts smoothly to new regulations.
  • Customer Preferences: Regularly assess market trends and adjust your offerings accordingly. Conducting customer surveys and comprehensive market research can help you stay aligned with evolving preferences and maintain your market share.
  • Unforeseen Events: Prepare contingency plans for crises such as weather disruptions or security issues. Having a robust crisis management plan in place can help you navigate unexpected challenges effectively.
  • Key Leadership Transitions: Engage with key leaders about their long-term plans and identify potential successors. Create development plans to ensure they are prepared for increased responsibilities and align with your business goals.
  • Family Dynamics: Address potential conflicts within the family and business. Developing business agreements and involving a family business expert can help manage complex dynamics and maintain harmony and stability.

2. Immediate Contingency Planning

  • Action Step: Develop “what-if” strategies for various uncertainties such as regulatory changes, customer preferences and unforeseen events. Detail how you’ll maintain stability under different scenarios and regularly update this plan to keep it relevant. Ensure that all key personnel are aware of the contingency plans and understand their roles in effectively executing them.

3. Set Medium-Term Goals

  • Action Step: Define ambitious, measurable goals for the next three to five years. Whether it’s expanding services, adopting new technologies or meeting evolving customer needs, create a road map and start executing your plan with urgency. Regularly review progress toward these goals and adjust strategies as needed to stay on track and maintain momentum.

4. Create a Long-Term Vision

  • Action Step: Envision what you want your reality to look like in 10, 15 or 20 years. This might include evolving into a different role, growing the business, involving family or transitioning ownership. Think big and consider where key stakeholders will be in the future. Identify necessary changes and action steps to achieve this vision, and leverage experts to provide accountability and creative solutions. Set milestones to track progress toward your long-term vision and adjust based on changing circumstances.

8 Strategies to Supercharge Your Business

While you can’t predict every twist and turn, you can prepare for them. Succession planning is your blueprint for navigating uncertainties and ensuring your business remains a powerful force. By using these eight steps to address challenges now, you will safeguard your business and position it for sustained growth and success:

1. Assess Your Current Situation Action Step:

  • Conduct a SWOT analysis to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Evaluate key roles and their readiness for increased responsibilities. This assessment will help you pinpoint areas that need improvement and opportunities for growth.

2. Define Your Goals

  • Action Step: Outline your personal and business ambitions. Ensure your succession plan aligns with these goals and your business’s strategic objectives. Setting clear, measurable goals will help you focus your efforts and track your progress effectively.

3. Identify Potential Successors

  • Action Step: Evaluate potential successors — family members, key employees or external buyers. Assess their readiness and alignment with your business’s values. Creating a detailed profile of each potential successor will help you make informed decisions about their suitability.

4. Create a Development Plan

  • Action Step: Develop a training and mentorship program for successors. Gradually increase their responsibilities and actively involve them in key strategic decision-making processes. Implementing a structured development plan will ensure that successors are well prepared to take on leadership roles.

5. Establish a Timeline

  • Action Step: Set deadlines and milestones for your succession strategy. Create a detailed timeline to ensure all preparations are completed on schedule. Regularly review and adjust the timeline as needed to accommodate changes in your business environment.

6. Seek Professional Advice

  • Action Step: Engage succession planners, legal experts and financial advisors to develop a comprehensive strategy. Professional advisors can provide valuable insights and help you avoid common pitfalls.

7. Communicate Your Plan

  • Action Step: Share your strategy with key stakeholders to ensure transparency and a smooth transition. Clearly communicate roles and expectations to avoid misunderstandings and ensure everyone is on the same page.

8. Review & Adjust

  • Action Step: Regularly update your plan to reflect new opportunities and challenges. Continuously monitor its effectiveness and make necessary adjustments. A flexible approach helps you stay responsive to changes and aligned with your long-term goals.

Act Now & Lead With Confidence

By integrating these strategies into your growth and succession planning, you’re not just securing your business’s future — you’re positioning it for unparalleled success. Empower yourself with the tools and strategies to thrive, no matter what the future holds. Take decisive action today and set your business on a path to extraordinary achievement! You hold the future in your hands; it’s up to you to carry it forward with confidence and unwavering determination.

Kendall Rawls understands the unique challenges faced by family-owned businesses and their leaders. With her background as a second-generation family member employee of Rawls Succession Planners, Rawls offers invaluable insights into fostering strong, confident leadership and creating sustainable business models. For more information on how Rawls Succession Planners can help, email or visit


Current Legal & Regulatory Challenges in the Propane Industry