U.S. Sens. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) and Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) are working to repeal a law they assert drives up the cost of everything from gasoline to groceries. The Toomey-Feinstein Corn Ethanol Mandate Elimination Act of 2015, introduced Feb. 26, abolishes the corn ethanol mandate in the Renewable Fuel Stan­dard (RFS).
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is increasing the options for refrigerants used in various kinds of refrigeration and air condition­ing equipment in the U.S. The final action addresses refrigerants under President Obama’s Climate Action Plan that calls on EPA’s Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) program to identify and approve addi­tional climate-friendly chemicals.
The Propane Education & Research Council (PERC), meeting via conference call Feb. 19, approved $600,000 in funding to pursue emissions certifica­tion for a direct-injection engine.
Environmentalists in California have filed a lawsuit against Contra Costa County over its February approval of a plan to increase propane recovery at Phillips 66’s Rodeo refinery. Communities for a Better Environ­ment (CBE) asserts the county’s environmental review did not take into account the broader impact of the project. The 78,000-bbld Rodeo refinery is located in the San Fran­cisco Bay area, and currently recovers no propane.
The Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) is soliciting comments on a proposed initiative that would provide $2 million in funding for forklift pro­pane engine development. Under Docket 20465, Power Solutions International (PSI; Wood Dale, Ill.) would develop and commercialize an advanced propane engine as a replacement to the Tier 4 diesel and electric models in the 3- to 6-ton fork truck market. PSI would contribute $3 million toward the $5-million project.


Pennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) March 9 released the latest draft revisions to its environmental protection performance standards for oil and gas well sites, proposing amendments the agency describes as improving protection of water resources, adding public resources considerations, protecting public safety, addressing landowner concerns, and enhancing transparency and improving data management.
U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) is asserting that President Obama and Interior secretary Sally Jewell have launched “an unprecedented assault” on Alaska that will have long-lasting effects on the state’s economy and the nation’s energy security. In coordination with the White House, Jewell recently outlined plans to lock up 22 million acres of Alaska’s energy-rich lands and waters.
Clean power company Lehr LLC (Los Angeles) unveiled its new 25-hp propane outboard to the boat­ing public recently at the 2015 Miami International Boat Show, bringing clean, efficient power to a range of boats that include pontoon craft, fiberglass and inflatable yacht tenders, rigid inflatable boats, aluminum fishing boats, small center-console skiffs, and other vessels. To accom­modate a range of boat styles and applications, the Lehr 25 is available in 15-in. and 20-in.
Most, if not all, crude oil that would be trans­ported on the proposed Keystone XL pipeline from Canada to the Gulf Coast would not be exported, and the vast majority of refined product—about 70%—derived from it would be consumed in the U.S., according to a new report by IHS. The report, which analyzes the outlook for oil sands and other heavy crudes in North America, also says that the amount of oil sands flowing into the U.S.
U.S. propane stocks the week ended March 6 fell by 1.3 MMbbl, according to the Energy Information Admin­istration (EIA) in its March 11 “This Week in Petroleum” report. As of then, inventories stood at 53.7 MMbbl, 27.7 MMbbl, or 106.2%, higher than a year ago. Midwest volumes gave up 2.5 MMbbl, the East Coast 0.3 MMbbl, and the Rocky Mountain/West Coast region 0.1 MMbbl. However, Gulf Coast supplies gained 1.5 MMbbl, according to EIA.
Alliance AutoGas is rolling out a bi-fuel autogas Ford Interceptor, a popular vehicle option for law enforce­ment. The Ford Interceptor joins a diverse offering of EPA-certified vehicles to police agencies by Alliance AutoGas that includes the Dodge Charger, Chevrolet Tahoe, Ford Crown Victoria, and F-150 pickup.
Port of Longview, Wash. commissioners March 10 unanimously rejected a proposed export termi­nal project by Sage Midstream (Houston) subsidiary Haven Energy. Two of the three commissioners said they would support the project, but not at the pro­posed 24-acre site near the port’s Berth 4. Yet another said his no vote was a matter of trust. It was not imme­diately clear whether the vote killed the project, but that seems likely.
Spot propane at Mont Belvieu and Conway, Kan. lost additional value Thursday, March 12, building on the March slide that has seen Texas and Mid­west spots each shed about 6 cents. Market watchers note warming tem­peratures are weighing on propane and crude oil prices, although weather forecasters were calling for yet another surge of cold air to sweep the Mid­west and Northeast. Additional episodes of unseasonably cold conditions were also expected into April.
U.S. Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas), leading a group of a dozen lawmakers, has introduced H.R. 702, which would remove all restrictions on the export of crude oil from the U.S. The sponsors note that growing domestic production from shale reservoirs has made the nation the largest oil producer in the world, but laws governing export of the resource are nearly 40 years old.
Steve Maddox, a third-generation farmer and gen­eral partner of the 8000-acre Maddox Farms in Riverside, Calif., reports that his two-year-long trial of a dual-fuel retrofit system for irrigation engines has saved him about $15,000 a year.
Building on more modest moves lower early in the week, Thursday, March 12 saw principal postings shed additional value. Prices gave up a minimum of 1.5 cents but as much as 12.5 cents compared to the Monday email Update, with losses of a nickel and more common. Early-week discounts were in a range of a half cent to 4.5 cents.
AmeriPride Services (Minnetonka, Minn.), a textile rental and supply company, is expanding its alterna­tive fuels program to include additional propane autogas trucks following a successful pilot project. In addition to five Roush CleanTech Ford F-59 delivery trucks in Topeka, Kan., the uniform and linen firm is adding 20 more in Northern California later this year. AmeriPride laid out its plans at the NTEA Work Truck Show in Indianapolis, Ind. March 4.
The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforce­ment (BSEE) and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Manage­ment (BOEM) have released proposed regulations aimed at ensuring that future exploratory drilling activities on the U.S. Arctic Outer Continental Shelf are done safely and responsibly, subject to strong and proven operational standards. The proposed Arctic-specific regulations focus solely on offshore exploration drilling operations within the Beaufort Sea and Chukchi Sea planning areas.
President Obama Feb. 24 carried out his threat and vetoed a bipartisan-backed bill authorizing the Key­stone XL pipeline. The president’s veto came nearly two weeks after the House and Senate passed the legislation.
U.S. propane stocks fell by 2.2 MMbbl the week ended Feb. 20 to stand at 59.2 MMbbl, according to the Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) Feb. 25 “This Week in Petroleum” report. As of that reporting period, volumes stood 32.6 MMbbl, or 122.1%, higher than a year ago. Gulf Coast supplies decreased by 1 MMbbl, the East Coast by 0.7 MMbbl, and the Midwest by 0.5 MMbbl. Rocky Mountain/West Coast regional inventories remained unchanged.
…Blossman Gas (Ocean Springs, Miss.) has acquired Dixie Gas of Chesterfield, Va. The purchase is its fifth acquisition of the past year. Serving the Richmond, Va. market for more than 45 years, Dixie Gas was formerly owned by Mary Ann and Brooke Hamilton. “We are very pleased that the Hamiltons have selected Blossman Gas to continue their long and fine tradition of exceptional ser­vice to their customers in the Richmond area,” said Stuart Weidie, Blossman president and CEO.
Enterprise Products Partners LP (Houston), Anadarko Petroleum Corp. (The Woodlands, Texas), DCP Midstream Partners (Denver), and MarkWest Energy Partners LP (Denver) have formed a joint ven­ture under which Enterprise will assign 45% owner­ship in Panola Pipeline Co. LLC. The interest will be evenly divided among Anadarko’s affiliate, WGR Asset Holding Co. LLC, DCP Midstream, and MarkWest.