The Schuyler County Legislature in New York is no longer supporting the proposed Finger Lakes LPG storage facility project, known as Stagecoach, local media report. The proposal by Crestwood Midstream Partners (Houston) calls for storage of propane in underground salt caverns. The full legislature unanimously approved a resolution withdrawing its backing, support it first issued in 2014 and again in 2016.
Argus Media writes that fuel thieves in Mexico appear to have developed relatively sophisticated methods to steal LPG from trucks, moving beyond the relatively simple techniques needed for gasoline and diesel theft. Thieves are building and operating illegal transport trucks that are used to steal fuel, even from terminals and pipelines. Stolen LPG is sold to customers such as small LPG-fueled public passenger bus services, says Octavio Perez, president of the LPG distribution
industry group Amexgas.
The National Propane Gas Association (NPGA) reports that data it is monitoring from the Energy Information Administration (EIA) shows first-quarter 2018 propane exports were lower than a year earlier. But in spite of lower exports, the U.S. entered the summer months with stock levels lower than a year ago.
Epic Midstream Holdings LP (San Antonio, Texas) said June 27 it had completed Phase 2 construction on its Epic Natural Gas Liquids Pipeline. The line, when completed, will run from the Permian Basin to Corpus Christi, Texas. Epic reports that 205 miles of the 700-mile pipeline is in operation between DLK Black River Midstream’s plant in the Permian and Benedum, Texas.
Meridian Energy Group Inc. (Irvine, Calif.) said June 13, that the North Dakota Department of Health’s (NDDoH) Air Quality Division had issued a construction permit for the company’s Davis refinery. Issuance of the permit came 18 months after the initial application filing and is based on a thorough review of the application documents and a three-month review of comments received during a 45-day public comment period.


Small and independent business owners overwhelmingly believe the recently passed Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will have a positive effect on their businesses, and have plans in place to invest in hiring and increase employee compensation, according to a recent survey conducted by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB).
(June 25, 2018) — U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) recently introduced the Removing Barriers to Energy Independence Act in the House of Representatives, a bill aimed at lessening the filing of frivolous protests against energy projects by imposing minimal filing fees on groups challenging the build out of U.S. energy initiatives and American output.
The Propane Education & Research Council (PERC) asks marketers how long it has been since they have reviewed and practiced their company’s emergency response plan.

Has it been properly communicated to all employees? Does everyone have specific duties and know what to do, where to go, and who to call?
The Toronto Sun writes that polling across Canada shows support for carbon pricing has plummeted now that reality has set in, leaving Prime Justin Trudeau and Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne to wonder what went wrong. The Sun notes that last year, amid great, self-congratulatory fanfare, Wynne imposed a cap-and-trade scheme—another name for a carbon tax—on Ontarians, one reason she’s poised to lose her job in the province’s June 7 election. Her Liberal government trails both the Progressive Conservative Party and the New Democratic Party (NDP) in the polls.
(June 1, 2018) — The Texas Alliance of Energy Producers (TAEP), in comments to the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security, is calling for exemptions under the Trump administration’s tariff plan for imported steel and aluminum. To alleviate or mitigate impacts to Texas and U.S. energy production, the organization is seeking that nations supplying oilfield steel goods, most notably Canada, Mexico, South Korea, Argentina, Brazil, and Japan, as well as the European Union, be exempted from tariffs.
Pennsylvania’s marketed natural gas production averaged a record 15 Bcfd in 2017, 3% higher than the 2016 level, reports the Energy Information Administration (EIA). This production is largely from shale plays in the Appalachian Basin. Pennsylvania accounted for 19% of total U.S. marketed natural gas output in 2017 and produced more natural gas than any other state except Texas.
(Costa Mesa, Calif.) May 7, 2018 — Agility Fuel Solutions, a global provider of clean fuel solutions for medium and heavy-duty commercial vehicles, has received Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) certifications for its first alternative fuel engine. Agility’s 488LPI engine, an 8.0-liter, V-8 propane power plant using the company’s patented liquid propane injection (LPI) technology, has been granted EPA certification for 2018.
Short-term oil demand is still growing strong and will continue to do so through the end of 2020, writes HIS Markit, which observes the trend is taking place despite the increasing focus on electric vehicles and a forecast future plateau in oil demand. IHS analysis shows refined product demand has averaged 1.2 MMbbld over the last five years. Current global total liquids oil demand growth is at similar levels to what was recorded during the 2003-2007 commodity super-cycle, referred to as the golden age of refining.
(May 4, 2018) — The American Trucking Associations (ATA) is thanking members of the U.S. House of Representatives for passing, in a bipartisan vote, an amendment to a reauthorization bill preventing states from creating a patchwork of meal and rest rules for interstate truck drivers.ATA comments that the amendment would clarify Congress’ intention to have primary regulatory authority over interstate commerce and end the erosion of this authority by states that impose meal and rest break rules that run counter to national uniformity.
The Energy Information Administration (EIA) reports that recent growth in U.S. crude oil production has been primarily light, sweet crude, defined as having an API gravity of 35 or higher and sulfur content of 0.3% or less. These light, sweet crudes, which are produced from tight resource formations, accounted for nearly 90% of the 3.1- MMbbld growth in output from 2010 to 2017.
Recently released analysis of U.S.-China trade relations by IHS Markit, namely escalation of the ongoing trade dispute, finds that both countries have responded with tariffs that could derail a global economic boom that has benefited the world petrochemical industry, which has enjoyed significant profitability across many sectors.
The Industrial Truck Association (ITA) has pledged its support of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), adding that it is in favor of modernizing and improving it. The association commented that NAFTA has been successful in creating American jobs and contributing to the growth of the U.S. economy.
Neste Corp. (Espoo, Finland) has commenced operations at the world’s first large-scale renewable propane production facility in Rotterdam. The first cargo has been delivered to SHV Energy (Hoofddorp, Netherlands), which will market and sell the product to its customers across Europe as BioLPG.
The Energy Information Administration (EIA) reports that total net energy imports to the U.S. fell to 7.3 quadrillion Btu (quads) in 2017, a 35% decrease from 2016 and the lowest level since 1982, when both gross imports and gross exports were much lower. Gross energy imports have been generally decreasing from a high of 34.7 quads in 2007.
(April 9, 2018) — Railroad Commission of Texas commissioner Wayne Christian is urging Congress to review the Jones Act of 1920. In a letter sent to lawmakers, Christian said a provision of the Jones Act that restricts cargo from being transported between U.S. ports unless it is carried on American-flagged ships has created a situation where many parts of the northeast U.S. are forced to buy natural gas from Russia instead of purchasing from domestic suppliers like Texas.
The economic downturn that befell U.S. oil producing states in mid-2014 began leveling off in 2017 and growth returned, writes S&P Global Platts in a report published in late February 2018. Titled “Strain Begins to Ease for U.S. Oil-Producing States,” the ratings consultancy says it expects the eight major oil states to continue to show fiscal and economic improvement this year.
(April 2, 2018) — The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has issued guidance on how to file claims for payment of credits and payments allowable for alternative fuels sold or used during 2017. To review the guidance documents, visit