Primary U.S. propane stocks the week ended Sept. 11 increased by 1.1 MMbbl to reach 97.7 MMbbl, according to the Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) Sept. 16 “This Week in Petroleum” report. As of that reporting period, inventories stood 20.3 MMbbl, or 26.2%, higher than a year ago. East Coast, Midwest, and Rocky Mountain/West Coast volumes all rose by 0.3 MMbbl, while the Gulf Coast was 0.2 MMbbl higher, EIA said. Propylene non-fuel-use stockpiles represented 4.5% of total supplies, unchanged from the previous week.

U.S. propane production for the week was at 1.560 MMbbld, little changed yet fractionally lower from a week earlier and slightly under last year. East Coast production was at 0.173 MMbbld, the Midwest 0.330 MMbbld, and the Gulf Coast 0.895 MMbbld. The East Coast and Gulf Coast were virtually unchanged week over week, while the Midwest barely dipped. For the year, the East Coast and Gulf Coast posted slight declines and the Midwest barely edged higher.

Imports to the nation stood at 0.082 MMbbld, losing just bit of ground from the prior week and gaining minimally from a year ago. The East Coast received 0.022 MMbbld and the Midwest 0.045 MMbbld. U.S. propane demand for the
week ended Sept. 11 was at 0.975 MMbbld, down nearly 0.2 MMbbld from the previous week and about 0.13 MMbbld under last year.