In accordance with the Propane Education and Research Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-284), the Propane Education & Research Council hereby publishes a 2025 budget plan for public comment. The budget plan includes the probable costs of all programs, projects, and contracts, as well as a recommended rate of assessment sufficient to cover such costs. After public review and comment, PERC must submit the proposed budget to the Secretary of Energy and to the Congress. Comments are due August 31, 2024. Comments must be received by 5 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time August 31, 2024, to be considered by the Council. 

You can submit comments online by clicking here

You can also send comments by mail to: 


PERC, Public Comment on 2025 Budget Plan 
200 S. 10th Street 
10th Floor, Suite 1075 
Richmond, VA 23219 

Please include your name, address, email, and contact information to receive updates on your comment status.