(September 19, 2017) Ohio’s horizontal shale wells produced 4,044,072 bbl of oil and 388,560,451 Mcf of natural gas over the second quarter of this year, reports the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR). While crude production was 17% lower year over year, natural gas production climbed more than 16%.

ODNR’s quarterly report lists 1691 horizontal shale wells; 1659 reported oil and natural gas production during the quarter. Of those reporting results, the average amount of oil produced was 2438 bbl, the average amount of natural gas produced was 234,214 Mcf, and the average number of first-quarter days in production was 85.
Ohio law does not require separate reporting for natural gas liquids or condensate output. Oil and gas production totals in ODNR reports include NGLs and condensate.

(SOURCE: The Weekly Propane Newsletter, Sept. 18, 2017)