FLANDERS, N.J. — Advanced Digital Data, Inc. (ADD Systems) announced that Gregg Lounsbury, software application specialist, has retired after 20 years with ADD Systems.

Lounsbury joined ADD Systems in 2000 as a former client. Within the first few months, he immersed himself in ADD products and proved to be a major asset to the company. His previous hands-on experience in all aspects of the industry – including delivering products, performing as a service technician, and running a convenience store chain with eight shops – allowed him to give clients and prospects real-world insight on how the software would benefit their company.

Within ADD, Lounsbury became a non-official quality assurance person, providing feedback on new versions and suggestions for future cutting-edge enhancements based on his previous experience in the field.

John Coyle, vice president of sales at ADD Systems, said: “I will miss his skills and his knowledge, of course, but it’s his confidence, belief in ADD, and friendship I will miss the most. I am very excited for Gregg and his wife to get the chance to travel the country and spend time with their family. He always put ADD Systems first when he was on the team and now, he gets to put himself and his family first. It’s well deserved.”