COLUMBUS, Ohio (Sept. 28, 2022) — Worthington Industries, Inc. announced the release of its 2022 Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability Report, reflecting on the company’s progress and performance metrics in several key areas, including culture, citizenship, corporate governance, environmental protection and innovation. The report can be viewed on the company’s website at

“We made great progress this year, expanding our focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives at Worthington,” said President and CEO Andy Rose. “During fiscal 2022, we completed our first materiality and emissions assessments and have significantly expanded our reporting. Doing the right thing and being a good corporate citizen have always been part of Worthington’s DNA, and the initiatives completed this year will help us continue to grow and build upon that work.”

Highlights of the 2022 Corporate Citizenship & Sustainability Report

  • Reducing the company's carbon footprint — Worthington completed its first ESG materiality assessment and Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions assessment to identify areas of focus for the company and help create a baseline for greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets. This initiative will put the company on a pathway to net-zero emissions by 2050.
  • Employee engagement — With a 63% worldwide participation rate, the company’s most-recent employee engagement survey exceeded both manufacturing and global benchmarks in overall employee engagement, manager effectiveness and safety.
  • Building the talent pipeline — To date, Worthington has provided 160 hours of classroom instruction in the field of manufacturing to 75 high school students through an 18-week Worthington Workforce Experience program – with one-third of participants signing on to work for the company full time.
  • Promoting diversity, equity and inclusion — Worthington hired a diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) director who, in partnership with the company’s DEI Leadership Council, is leading the implementation of a three-year strategy targeting improved diversity in four key areas: workforce, workplace, community and partnerships.
  • Makers of better workplaces — In fiscal 2022, Worthington achieved a recordable injury rate that is 2.7 times better than the manufacturing industry benchmark.
  • Philanthropy and volunteerism — The company contributed $2.2 million to 61 organizations in fiscal 2022 through the Worthington Industries Foundation.
  • Responsible supply chain — Whenever possible, the company is committed to procuring products and supplies from local companies in the countries where we operate. In fiscal 2022, 96% of Worthington’s procurement spending in the United States went to local suppliers.
  • Environmental protection — The company awarded 63% of available stars through Worthington’s Green Star initiative, which recognizes facilities for year-over-year improvements in the categories of continuous improvement, energy conservation, waste reduction, water conservation and regulatory compliance.
  • Waste reduction — In fiscal 2022, Worthington is proud to have recycled 96% of all waste generated companywide.
  • Sustainable product innovation — Worthington’s product innovations include fuel gauges and monitors for propane cylinders, which ensure users do not run out of or discard leftover gas, and that service providers can increase their efficiency by reducing routing and the amount of fuel needed to deliver propane.
  • Extended producer responsibility — Through a partnership with the state of Connecticut, Worthington led the development of a residential gas cylinder recycling program that is projected to save the state $200,000 annually.

The Worthington Industries 2022 Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability Report was developed in accordance with the following frameworks: GRI Standards Topics, the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, elements of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Iron & Steel Producers Standard, as well as elements of the Industrial Machinery & Goods and Building Products & Furnishings Standards and other ESG topics of interest to investors and important stakeholders.