The American Petroleum Institute (API) has released a new report by Catalyst Environmental Solutions showing the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) finding of no widespread effects to drinking water quality due to hydraulic fracturing operations is supported by state and federal regulatory reviews—and dozens of recent peer-reviewed case studies. API commissioned the report. It is available for review on the institute’s website,

“This report shows EPA conclusion has scientific backing and reflects the effectiveness of existing indus- try practices and state regulations,” said API director of upstream and industry operations Erik Milito. “The EPA’s study on hydraulic fracturing and groundwater protection will be viewed globally and must reflect existing scientific evidence. As the study is finalized and prepared for release by the end of the year, it is critical for any review to focus on the facts and available evidence.”

EPA’s six-year, multimillion-dollar national study was released as a draft assessment report in 2015 and determined that hydraulic fracturing has not led to widespread systemic impacts on drinking water, even as the well stimulation technique has lifted economic fortunes for millions of Americans. The new report by Catalyst Environmental Solutions, Quantitative Support for EPA’s Finding of No Widespread, Systemic Effects to Drinking Water Resources from Hydraulic Fracturing, concludes that, “If there was a significant correlation between impaired drinking water resources and hydraulic fracturing, that connection would be manifested in the areas that EPA evaluated. This finding is corroborated by a large, credible body of case studies and scientific literature.”

“Hydraulic fracturing is the backbone for a continued economic, environmental, and energy development success story in the U.S.,” Milito said. “While the U.S. has risen to be the world’s leading producer of oil and natural gas, industry has also reduced carbon emissions from power generation to their lowest level in more than 20 years, making it clear that environmental progress and energy production are not mutually exclusive. None of this would be possible without hydraulic fracturing. The scientific data documented by the EPA study add to the proof that it is being done safely.”