(April 9, 2018) — Railroad Commission of Texas commissioner Wayne Christian is urging Congress to review the Jones Act of 1920. In a letter sent to lawmakers, Christian said a provision of the Jones Act that restricts cargo from being transported between U.S. ports unless it is carried on American-flagged ships has created a situation where many parts of the northeast U.S. are forced to buy natural gas from Russia instead of purchasing from domestic suppliers like Texas.

“Energy security is national security,” Christian said. “We should not have policies in place that encourage buying foreign energy when we have a surplus of natural gas in our own backyard.” He noted that the U.S. exported more natural gas than it imported in 2017, the first time since 1957.

“Much like the former ban on crude oil exports, this provision is a relic of a previous time that serves no practical purpose in the modern world,” Christian said. “As the United States positions itself to surpass Saudi Arabia and Russia as the world’s top energy producer, it is imperative we take advantage of this blessing and move closer to energy security.”

(SOURCE: The Weekly Propane Newsletter, April 9, 2018)