The National Propane Gas Association (NPGA) is seeking comments on a newly released draft best practices document, made available at the association’s fall board meeting in New Orleans Oct. 4-6. NPGA has been working to develop a code of conduct for the industry, with the Executive Committee appointing a task force including industry leaders and state association representatives to carry out the work.

The best practices document is intended to be a voluntary set of guidelines for the ethical conduct of business for companies in the propane industry. NPGA emphasizes that the document is not a prescriptive set of enforceable rules; rather, it is designed to foster consumer protection and preserve the integrity and reputation of the industry at large.

NPGA leadership and officers are available to attend state association board meetings to help facilitate communications about the document. To request a representative, contact Meghan Keivel at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..