The Michigan Propane Gas Association (MPGA) is building support for its fight against state legislation that would allow natural gas service to expand into so called “unserved” or “underserved” areas using ratepayer funds, reports the National Propane Gas Association (NPGA). MPGA has launched a major grass-roots effort to hinder the progress of H.B. 4303.

Members responded to an online call to action Sept. 15, generating more than 125 emails and phone calls voicing opposition to the bill to lawmakers prior to the legislation’s final hearing in the Michigan House Energy Committee Sept. 16. NPGA assisted the Michigan association by promoting the call to action on Facebook. H.B. 4303 has yet to achieve a vote in committee, but additional hearings are anticipated in coming weeks.

The Michigan effort is part of NPGA’s new State Engagement Initiative, which supplements state efforts to substantially influence the outcome of legislative and regulatory battles, thereby slowing or stopping state-sponsored natural gas expansion threats to the propane industry. In addition to Michigan’s program, NPGA is also providing funding to the Minnesota Propane Association in its fight against subsidized natural gas expansion plans.

NPGA notes that in future issues of “NPGA Reports” it will highlight the activities and emphases of the State Engagement Initiative. States with legislative or regulatory concerns that the association should spotlight, or needing assistance with legislative and regulatory challenges, may contact NPGA state affairs director Lesley Garland at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..