How optimized is your marketing operation? What technology does your company employ in its daily operations? What are the big trends in technology spend for 2022? How does your business intelligence and processes stack up against your competitors?
In our 2022 State of Industry Digitalization report, sponsored by Anova, we cover all of the above and more. In early 2022, we surveyed more than 100 of your industry colleagues about their tech investment strategies in 2021 and 2022.
Did you know only 5% of a sampling of those colleagues would rate the effectiveness of their digitalization efforts to date as “Excellent”? In our survey, 45% of respondents answered “Good — We’re in a Good Place,” and 39% answered “Fair — We’re Getting There.”
BPN is excited to bring you the inaugural edition of the State of Industry Digitalization Survey. Please note a couple of reminders about the results shared in this report:
- Not all answers add up to 100% because our respondents were allowed to select multiple answers for certain questions.
- The data represented in the 2022 State of Industry Digitalization Report was provided voluntarily by participants of the survey — respondents are readers of BPN media and were sent the survey in January 2022.
Fill out the simple webform at right to download the full report.